He’s Back! Constantine Joins the Legends of Tomorrow for Episode 3.10; See the Teaser!

The CW’s “Legends of Tomorrow” may have lost Firestorm (and the two actors who played “him”); but a fan favorite from the DC universe showed up at the end of last night’s midseason finale and will return for Episode 3.10, “Daddy Darhkest,” which will air in February of next year.
Of course we’re referring to John Constantine, played by the inimitable Matt Ryan, and below you’ll find the first teaser for the upcoming ep.
Ryan, who starred in NBC’s short-lived “Constantine” series (which aired October 2014-February 2015), first popped up in The CW’s Arrowverse in Season 4 of “Arrow” to help Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) cope with being raised from the dead via the Lazarus Pit. His appearance on “Legends” should make fans who have been clamoring for his return happy; here’s hoping it’s not the last time we see his spot-on portrayal of the seasoned demon hunter and master of the occult!