War of the Worlds: The True Story Gives It Another Go

Undead Backbrain
It’s true, I have a soft spot in my heart for War of the Worlds, everything about it. I fell in love with the original Orson Wells radio broadcast when my father introduced it to me as a kid. The 1953 movie, the book (of course), the horribly underrated TV series- I even enjoyed the 2005 Steven Spielberg effort (despite the many shortcomings).
The real aura and magic come from the original broadcast, though, the first inklings of the “mockumentary” and what would become cinema-verité. It’s in that spirit that Timothy Hines set out to make his own take on the War of the Worlds story.
Here’s where it gets confusing however.
Timothy Hines made a version of the story in 2005 for Pendragon Pictures, but he was never happy with the finished product. When speaking to SFCrowsnest.com Hines stated, “The 2005 film was both rushed and severely over-scaled with highly compressed post-production deadlines”.
With that in mind Hines has created a remake/addendum to his first effort, this time titled War of the Worlds: The True Story (also for Pendragon Pictures). Shot as a documentary, The True Story focuses on a 1965 interview with the last living survivor of the war between Earth and Mars that took place in 1900. Using documentary tools such as re-enactments, found footage and interviews, War of the Worlds: The True Story looks to create a History Channel style look back at the bloody war that could have been.
Timothy Hines is doing a special engagement tour in cities all over the US and Canada with showings going through next year. You can see all the dates here.
You can keep up with all the War of the Worlds: The True Story action by visiting their official site.
Check out the trailer below, and let us know what you think in the comments below.

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