Check Out the Amazing Fan-Made Trailer for The Phantasm Holiday Special

“Silver balls are ringing.”
We all know and love a good old fashion holiday special. Be it Star Wars and any other property, a holiday special is always cheesy good time.
It is with this in mind we wanted to share the Darkly Films fan-made trailer for “The Phantasm Holiday Special.” Yes, you read that right. Someone went out of their way to turn Don Coscarelli’s horror classic Phantasm into a full-on Christmas extravaganza.
And it’s as awesome as you imagine.
You can check out the amazing faux-trailer below and then make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on social media!
This film was shown on CBS only once, on November 17, 1979, and then never aired again. We found this trailer buried in a pile of celluloid film in the back of CBS studios, long forgotten by the studio execs. I snuck it out the back door, and am now sharing it with the world. P.S. This is obviously a spoof of the Star Wars Holiday Special from 1979 if you’re not in on the joke.