George Cameron Romero’s Rise of the Living Dead Storyboards and Script Pages

Two months ago we shared the news that George A. Romero’s son, George Cameron Romero, was all set to direct a zombie film himself with Rise of the Living Dead. Today we have confirmation that the younger Romero is hard at work on the new film as he has posted script pages and storyboards for the film over on Facebook.
I’m totally intrigued by the idea of George Cameron Romero following in his father’s footsteps for an all-new Living Dead flick. Reminds me of Max Landis remaking his father, John Landis’, classic An American Werewolf in London. Well, actually maybe not so much…
You can check all of the cool new stuff out below and then let us know what you think!
Set at the height of the Cold War, when one scientist tried to give the world its best hope for survival and instead unleashed its worst nightmare.