David Harbour Talks About What We Can Expect From Stranger Things 3

One of the best aspects of Netflix’s original series “Stranger Things” is David Harbour as Sheriff Hopper. And speaking of Hopper, Harbour recently sat down with Variety and talked all things “Stranger Things” and let slip some cool new info.
But first, he talked a bit about the pressures of going into season two and how season three is feeling a lot easier thus far.
“We all felt a lot of pressure going in, at least I certainly did,” Harbour tells Variety. “You want it to be better. I’m not often proud of the work that I do, but I was so proud of Season 1 that I was almost like, ‘oh s—‘ going into this season. How are we going to top that?
There are horror stories like “True Detective.” The risks that the Duffers took, they had the potential for that sort of thing. This could be really bad. But I think we all hunkered down and we have such a good dynamic, it’s so creative that environment. They wrote some good scripts. Every scene and every day, we just tried to make it sing. I feel like we achieved it.
Now going into Season 3, we’re getting more comfortable. We’re getting better. And I’ve never felt that. The tapestry just seems so broad. A lot of people tell me when you’re on a show for a while, you get bored with it. and I don’t foresee that with this. The tapestry just seems to get larger and more creative. So I’m excited to see where we go next year.”
He then goes on to talk about how we might see more details on his relationship with his deceased daughter in the new season.
“There’s a lot of timeline stuff to explain with Sara as well,” he says. “Sara dies theoretically five years before our story. In terms of the timeline, we say in the first season that I moved back to Hawkins after that experience. And we have me calling my ex-wife, who is remarried and has a kid. There’s a lot of rich material there, and with secrets around Sara and that whole event, which I hope we’ll get into in future seasons. Maybe not in the way you think. But there is a lot more complexity to Hopper’s relationship to Sara’s death. I would love to see them go further into that.”
Harbour then commented on when we can expect to see season 3, saying, “I’m not the authority on any of this. But if you use logic, our first season came out July 15. Our second season came out October 27. Theoretically, if we keep on the same timeline, what’s our next release date? I guess it would be January or February 2019. But I don’t know. I would love for it to be as soon as possible. We just want to make them good, and well takes time. It all goes into shaping a really beautiful product, and that’s the most important thing.”
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