S. Craig Zahler Shares an Excerpt from Hug Chickenpenny: The Panegyric of an Anomalous Child

A few weeks ago we learned that writer-director S. Craig Zahler has teamed up with The Jim Henson Company to bring his novel Hug Chickenpenny: The Panegyric of an Anomalous Child to the screen; and now, to make sure you’re keeping the project on your radar, we have an excerpt from the book’s first chapter to share.
Hug Chickenpenny is described as “a Gothic, Dickensian take on the Elephant Man, as if David Lynch wrote a fable for unbalanced orphans“; and while it’s not straight horror, it does have a lot of genre elements, particularly in the first chapter, so dig in to see if it’s up your alley.
CLICK HERE to read the excerpt, and be sure to check back soon for a Q&A with award-winning screenwriter, director, cinematographer, musician, AND novelist S. Craig Zahler.
Cinestate releases the trade paperback original on January 23, 2018.
Hug Chickenpenny is an anomalous child. Born from tragedy and unknown paternity, this asymmetrical and white-haired baby inspires both ire and pity at the orphanage, until the day that an elderly eccentric adopts him as a pet. The upbeat boy’s spirit is challenged in his new home and as he is exposed to prejudiced members of society in various encounters. Will Hug and his astronautical dreams survive our cruel and judgmental world?