Whedon Brings More Horror!

Finally, some good news for Joss Whedon fans who are sick of hearing about him only doing comic books or discussing superhero films that won’t be made anytime soon.
Whedon was at Comic Con this year (of course) and dished the good news (reported by Home Media Magazine) that he’s working with the BBC in the UK to finally bring “Ripper” to the small screen. The show is the oft-delayed “Buffy” spinoff that would follow the adventures of her mentor, Giles (Anthony Steward Head), when he returns to England after helping her one final time. The title refers to the name he was called back in his younger days when he was more reckless with his magic.
Meanwhile, Whedon is going to go back to “Angel” for the comic series “Angel: After the Fall”, which will detail what happened after the last season ended, and might write another “Buffy” arc for a comics-only Season 9.
But most exciting to us horror fans is his talks of Goner, the horror movie he’s been attached to for forever, and a movie he co-wrote with former “Buffy” penner Drew Goodard called Cabin in the Woods, which he called “the horror film to end all horror films, literally.” Interesting…
Keep it here for more news (hopefully very soon) about all the pies Whedon has his fingers in!
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