CGI Short Descends into the Horror of the Underworld

We can’t get enough of animated horror round these parts, so we’re super excited for the insane looking CGI short Horror of the Underworld. With a planned runtime of 25 minutes, brief footage below has everything from giant demon head babies to men in exo-suits blasting away at hoards of monsters.
Horror of the Underworld is the brainchild of animator Akira Suzuki, who is creating the entire film on his own. Suzuki also worked on Shin Godzilla, and if you want to help out with his bold undertaking, you can drop him some cash on Kickstarter. The first ten minutes of the film are already complete, so he’s hoping to raise funds to finish the remaining fifteen, and will possibly increase the runtime should he hit his stretch goals. And if he doesn’t get the cash, we’ll never know the outcome of the fight between the exo-suit guy and the demon baby thing, so all the more reason to contribute.