Exclusive: This Clip From The Devil’s Gate Taunts and Teases Something Inhuman

Tomorrow sees the release of Clay Staub’s The Devil’s Gate, a dark horror film that follows an FBI agent who is sent to a rural community to investigate a series of disappearances. When she begins to understand that a strange and potentially deadly creature may be behind everything, she has to team up with locals in order to make things right.
To give you a taste of the film, we’ve got a clip below that introduces you to Milo Ventimiglia, Shawn Ashmore, and Amanda Schull. The former two come to terms with what torturing a kidnapped creature while the latter questions their methods, which are nothing short of brutal. It’s a pretty spoiler-filled clip, so I encourage you not to watch it if you plan on seeing the film. However, if you want to see what the film is like, here’s a good sample!
Oh, did I mention that Javier Botet is in this movie? I have a feeling that might help sway some of you!