Wolfmen of Mars Sneakily Release New EP

Boston, MA synth rockers Wolfmen of Mars should be known throughout the horror community for their wonderful blend of vintage synth goodness and rock sensibilities, culminating in music that would be perfect for the credit reel of any 80’s genre title. With albums like Don’t Let It In, The Witch, The Goat & The Malevolent Spirit, Gamisu, Universal Madness, and more, their oeuvre is a delightful blast that will get your toes tapping as much as it ignites your thirst for blood.
So, color me surprised when the guys reached out to me to let me know that they’d dropped a new EP over the weekend, citing is as, “…something a little different.” Lo and behold, they’re not wrong at all!
Dubbed The Sin Projector, the two-track EP is far more ambient and cinematic than what you might normally expect from the group. It’s a haunting blend of electronica and eerie soundscapes, stretched over a 10-minute runtime. While there is absolutely a lot of John Carpenter to be found in this mix, there’s just as much Akira Yamaoka.
If you’re looking for something new to put on in the background to give your day an extra creepy feeling, I recommend streaming the album below and then picking up a copy on Bandcamp. It’s set at a “Name Your Price” model, which means you can snag it for free. That being said, if you throw the guys even a buck or two, it’ll help ensure that they continue to make more fascinating music for you to enjoy!