Exclusive: Breaking Glass Releasing The Crossbreed This March and Here’s the Trailer

Kids. Creepy little things, aren’t they? When it comes to horror, evil children are so commonplace, it’s basically a given that if you throw a handful of darts at a wall of horror films, a good number of those darts will have landed on movies with dastardly yuts (with thanks to My Cousin Vinny).

Still, it must be said that for some people, the concept of villainous kids sends shivers up and down their spine, which is why we’re excited to help Breaking Glass announce the release of their upcoming supernatural horror film The Crossbreed, which will be coming to DVD and VOD platforms on March 6. An award-winning title, The Crossbreed follows a couple that are investigating a tragic story of a pregnant woman stoned to death in a small village. However, the same evil that drove those villagers mad with rage may now be haunting these two…including the baby nestled in the woman’s womb.

Director Biray Dalkiran states, “Before Eve, Lilith was Adam’s first wife and considered “the mother of demons”, and I focused on telling the story of her devilish descendants crossbreeding. I feel that audiences will be extremely pleased with the outcome.”

You can see the trailer for the film below.

The Crossbreed stars Angela Durazo, Nathan Schellerup, Malina Lee Shaffer,
Danny Winn, Katy Bentz, Chad Ayers, and Marques Bobesich.

A long time ago in a small village, a young woman had nightmares of a demon. One night, she felt evil encompass her, and woke up screaming. The next morning, she was pregnant. Unable to hide the pregnancy, she was locked away by her father, but the evil could not be contained and was birthed into the village. In a rage, the villagers stoned the woman to death and sealed their fate as the demon exacted bloody revenge on them all, except two sisters tasked with taking care of the baby. Now, another young woman is secretly pregnant and considering an abortion. While she thinks through her choices, she and her husband are sent to a village to research a story about demonic possession. Little does she know, she is just a pawn in birthing the ultimate evil into the world…



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