Adam Green Curating the Next Box of Dread

Hello, Dreadies! Some good news coming at you on the Box of Dread side of the fence. We know things have been rough the last few months with late boxes. What began with the hurricanes in August became a bit of a disaster of our own as the delays dominoed into the following months.
That being said, we are making a huge effort to get caught up in one move. The January and December boxes are being shipped together to give us time to get everything back on track. On top of that, the February boxes are being shipped on February 15th. That means most of you guys will get three boxes practically back to back.
And we’re even including Adam Green! Well, not physically. He’d cost too much to actually ship, and proper dismemberment would just lead to even more delays.
“I’m honored to be curating this month’s Box of Dread,” says Green. “Not only is the timing great with the home video release of Victor Crowley on 2/6, but given that February can be a bummer of a month for so many with Valentine’s Day and all… I’m happy to be able to play a role in spreading some horror cheer.”
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So I know what you’re thinking… You’re as curious as Brad Pitt in Se7en – “What’s in the box? What’s in the box? WHAT’S IN THE BOX?” Well… we could tell you, but what fun would that be?!
Here’s what we can dish…
Our December box was going to have a “Twilight Zone” theme to ring in New Year’s, and January’s box was intended to have some Hatchet goodness in it to celebrate the home video release of the new Victor Crowley film. So in a way Adam is basically curating both months. We figured Adam is so busy right now that we should make the most of our time with him.
Shipping both boxes together allows us to draw a line in the sand with regard to the recent delays. It gives us enough breathing room to focus on planning ahead, instead of playing catch-up. We have never had problems like this until recently, and this will give us the chance to put this monster of a train back on the tracks.
February’s box is ahead of schedule, and we will be shipping earlier than the other boxes because we have something special lined up. Look for that announcement on January 25th.
We are also sending out an important survey for you guys to weigh in on. We will be following up on that next week with an update on our plans for moving forward in 2018 as well as a commitment to our subscribers. Be on the lookout for the survey going out this evening as well as the follow-up update being posted next week.
Want to get some prep on? The original “Twilight Zone” is currently streaming on Netflix, and don’t forget Victor Crowley is coming out on February 6th!
The ultimate goal here is to put us back on track and get both boxes out the door and into your hands at once. If you have any questions or concerns, always feel free to contact us at [email protected], and we’ll do whatever we can to make things all right in your horror-loving world.
For even more pictures and videos, check out Box of Dread on Social Media!