Fox’s Frankenstein Foray Hitting the Fast Track First

With several new Frankenstein projects on the burner, we’ve been wondering which studio would be first out of the gate with theirs. News has just broken that Fox may find itself in the lead.
According to Deadline, as the 20th Century Fox 3D Fantastic Voyage remake continues to take forever to get under way, the site is hearing persuasively that director Shawn Levy will likely take another Fox film, Frankenstein, as his next effort.
Fox wants to move quickly on the Max Landis-scripted thriller based on the classic monster from Mary Shelley’s public domain novel, and Deadline says the studio wants Levy. They are beginning creative conversations with an eye toward this filling his winter/spring slot. The studio is eager to get out in front of the seven other Frankenstein films that are percolating all over town.
More as it comes.
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