Scream Factory Opens the Gate 2

There are few films more beloved around DC HQ than Tibor Takacs’ 1987 monster-filled classic The Gate. It’s top to bottom fun featuring stop-motion beasties and a cute-as-a-button young Stephen Dorff, and that’s only a couple of reasons why the flick just rules.
Scream Factory (bless their hearts) just announced that its sequel, Gate II, will finally be getting a Blu-ray release; and we have your details and artwork right here.
Look for the flick starring original The Gate star Louis Tripp on February 27, 2018.
This supercharged sequel to the horror classic The Gate comes alive with unearthly creatures, heart-stopping action, and incredible special effects. Gate II picks up again with Terry, the teenage sorcerer who summons beings from the other side whose powers can be used to grant any wish. Unfortunately, before the Gate closes again, a “minion” – a tiny disciple of Satan himself – manages to slip through to our dimension. When the creature is kidnapped – all hell breaks loose.
Special Features:
- NEW 2K scan of the interpositive
- NEW Return to the Nightmare – A Look Back at GATE II – featuring interviews with director Tibor Takacs, screenwriter Michael Nankin, and special visual effects creator Randall William Cook
- NEW From the Depths – an interview with make-up effects artist Craig Reardon
- Theatrical Trailer
- Video Promo and Video Store Contest Promo
- Still Gallery