Witness the Rage of the Mummy as it Shoots Wrapping from its Fingertips

Trying to think if I’ve ever seen a mummy movie in which the mummy shoots wrapping from his fingers ala Spider-Man. Don’t think I’ve seen that one before so points to Rage of the Mummy for showing some originality.
Wasn’t there a “Scooby-Doo” episode that had a mummy do that?
I digress.
The Dark Universe may have been one and done but that Mummy’s failure won’t deter other filmmakers from taking their own stab at showcasing the eternal vengeance that is an ancient mummy getting its rage on. Seriously, people, when will you ever learn not to steal from a mummy’s tomb? It’s like kidnapping Liam Neeson’s daughter. It won’t end well for you.
The newest foray into the hallowed horror that is “ankhsploitation” is writer-director-producer Dennis Vincent’s Rage of the Mummy. Mixing traditional mummy movie exploits with a dash of slasher movie mentality, a little sense of humor, and the WTF-ness factor that comes with seeing a mummy shoot his wrapping from his fingertips to snare a victim, Vincent’s horror/slasher/comedy will be rising to seek revenge as all mummies do later this year.
The plot has to do with tomb raiders pilfering 13 sacred relics from his pyramidal estate; now the 17 people responsible must die. With the ability to shapeshift into a watch list millennial, the mummy ventures to the mile-high city of Denver, Colorado to kill, Kill, KILL!
Movieweb unveiled the exclusive trailer for Rage of the Mummy, starring Scott Croushore, Heath C. Heine, Kevon Ward, Dan Nolan, and Tania Henderson.
Now witness for yourself the Rage of the Mummy.