Exclusive: Venture Into Black Mirror’s Black Museum with Cristobal Tapia de Veer’s We Got a Miracle

One of the most anticipated shows to premiere last year (really late last year) was Netflix’s fourth season of Charlie Brooker’s “Black Mirror.” The show has amassed a dedicated following who voraciously devour each new morsel whenever the opportunity presents itself. For those who are eager for a new and different taste, we’ve got something rather special for you today!
Below is an exclusive stream of “We Got a Miracle,” a composition by Cristobal Tapia de Veer (The Girl With All the Gifts) for the “Black Museum” episode. Dark, brooding, and hypnotic, the muted opening enters a tribalistic rhythm with a piano piercing the pulsations with staccato stabs. Ghostly vocals hover later on, specters that appear briefly before fading quickly into the darkness. The track builds upon the tribal drums and enters the realm of dissonance without becoming offensive to the ears, culminating in a moment of near ritualistic worship.
“The beginning, discovering the Black Museum, that was going to set the tone for the rest of the show,” explained Tapia de Veer. “The music morphed in many ways throughout the three stories, then goes back to where it started with the Black Museum, although with a sense of accomplishment, but also a sense of doom.”
Black Museum is available as a digital download through Lakeshore Records’ Bandcamp.