Friday the 13th Part V’s Roy and Pinehurst Map Coming to Friday the 13th: The Game!

“By the time you count to five, you won’t be alive.”
Looks like “Friday the 13th: The Game” is going to be adding yet another killer new update in the near future as today Gun Media announced their new content based on Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning.
The new content will hit Xbox One, PS4, and PC January 30th at no additional cost and will feature a new Pinehurst Youth Development Center map along with Roy (aka fake Jason), who comes equipped with gardening shears and three new weapon kills.
Personally, I have grown to really love A New Beginning. The film is FILLED with gory kills, features more T&A than a Nation Lampoon flick, and gave me my first taste of Pseudo Echo’s “His Eyes.”
You can check out the announcement trailer below and then make sure to let us know what you think of Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning!
Roy and the Pinehurst Youth Development Center map hit Xbox One, PS4, and PC for no additional cost on January 30th!