Confirmed: Sienna Guillory Back as Jill Valentine in Resident Evil: Retribution

Source Name:
Milla Jovovich on Twitter
Source Url:!/MillaJovovich
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Well, that didn’t take very long now, did it? The time for speculation is at an end. Sienna Guillory is officially back as Jill Valentine in Resident Evil: Retribution!
Milla Jovovich confirmed the news via her Twitter account – “I can’t reply right now, but wanted 2 let u all know that Sienna Guillory @guillorybe closed her deal on the new RE movie! we r so excited!!”
There ya go, kids. Breaking news reported in 140 characters. Wow, how times have changed.
Paul W.S. Anderson is directing Resident Evil: Retribution in Russia, Canada and Japan, with Milla Jovovich reprising her role as Alice. Screen Gems will release the flick on September 14th, 2012.
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