This is Why LEGO Zombies Aren’t a Threat to Anyone But Themselves

Just about a week ago, I posted a fun little video stop-motion short film about a LEGO zombie outbreak in a secret governmental facility. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend watching it because I’m about to spoil the ending. Just click on that link and spend about five minutes watching some adorably charming LEGO horror shenanigans.
Alright, back and ready to move on? Good!
At the end of that video, the secret agent went to the rooftop of the building so that she could escape via helicopter. However, it turned out that the guards were all infected and she was basically done for! If we were to hypothesize what happened next, I don’t think we’d be far off from assuming that the infection would begin to spread and that, eventually, the world would be overrun by the walking dead! But what does a LEGO zombie invasion look like, especially if they’re running zombies from films like World War Z and 28 Days Later? Let’s then turn our attention to NIXOLAS, who can answer that with the below 21-second video that they created!
Basically, all that happens in it is a horde of zombies tries to round a corner while running. While that seems like a good idea in concept, the execution leaves a lot to be desired as the horde slams into one another, causing their heads and limbs to pop off their bodies, resulting in a pile of LEGO corpses.
Humorously animated and certainly done to evoke laughter in viewers, it’s honestly quite adorable and it makes me want to see the LEGO film franchise do a kid-friendly horror film.
Check it out below and let us know what you think in the comments!