Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll, and Dracula in Love

Uh, oh! Count Dracula’s in love again. This never ends well for anyone involved. Hearts gets broken; then they get staked. Yet, here we are again with Dracula in Love.
What can we expect from this latest film to sink its fangs into the Dracsploitation doomed romance subgenre? According to its tagline: “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll… Dracula, And Then You Die!” Not so much a tagline as it is a series of words and phrases strung together semi-coherently.
Flixhouse is set to distribute writer-director Izidore K. Musallam’s Dracula in Love, starring Cailey Muise, Eyal Simko, Amy Cruickshank, Josh Maltin, Alan K. Sapp, Andre Oliveira, and Youssef Abed-Alnour as Count Dracula, aka the lord of the vampires, aka the Prince of Darkness, aka the original Christian Grey.
IMDb states Dracula in Love is set for release on March 1st. That seems surprising given you won’t find a trailer anywhere. I suppose there’s still time between now and then.
However, there is a plot synopsis:
Leila, a lonely young soulm spends the night partying with her friends Nancy, David, and Nash in a warehouse. As the boys drink up and smoke pot, all social barriers between the sexes crumble. Leila, hit on by both men, hides away from them. Alone she senses there is someone else who wants her, and certainly he is not of this world.
A 200-year-old Dracula escapes from a crate and reveals himself to Leila and tells her that she is his lost love. For him to live again and be with her − she must bring him the blood of her friends to drink and make love to him. Hypnotized by his sexual powers, Leila does as she is told.
Leila and a handsome young Dracula get away and live happily ever after.
And now that you’ve read thatm there really isn’t any reason to ever watch the movie.
Good night, everybody!