A Flamboyant Vamp Runs Amok in Vamperifica

Vamperifica Website
Who’s ready for more vampire action? Come on, there has to be someone out there who isn’t tired of these creatures of the night? Okay, how about this – who’s ready for a dark horror comedy about fang faces? Does that fit your bill? If so Vamperifica is a flick you need to be aware of!
Directed by Bruce Ornstein from a screenplay he penned with Martin Yurkovic, Vamperifica stars Martin Yurkovic, Dreama Walker, Creighton James, Bonnie Swencionius and Jeff Ward.
No word on any release just yet, but we’ll keep an eye on things for ya!
Check out the trailer below, and for more make sure you hit up the official Vamperifica Facebook page.
In the interim, here’s the log line …
“A clueless, flamboyant college kid discovers that the soul of a great vampire king resides within him. Now he must choose between his friends and his destiny.”

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