Director Ron Purtee Walks the Line With Love Is Not Enough

The twisted mind of Ron Purtee never stops working. Creating Becoming Undead and The Social Media Massacre simply wasn’t enough for this iron horse of horror (if he keeps up this pace we’ll soon have to refer to him as the Cal Ripken of rippage!). His newest offering is a short entitled Love Is Not Enough and, as we can expect from all Purtee’s work, it cuts right to the heart (and I mean that in the most literal sense possible).
Written and directed by Purtee, Love Is Not Enough is a unique look at infidelity. And as horror fans, we all know that rubbing your neighbor’s rhubarb is never a good idea. From old Tales From The Crypt stories to Fatal Attraction, horror has never been kind to the unfaithful, and Purtee’s new film is no different.
Shot in a unique style with a voice-over providing narration instead of traditional dialogue, Love Is Not Enough will draw you in until its inevitable conclusion. And could we be looking at the first of a series here? The final line may imply just that.
But enough said, we’ve got Love Is Not Enough, in its entirety, right here on this page. Just scroll down and see what you think. The film stars Tina Renee Grace, Brandon Nichols and Amber Rose Rodriguez. Eat up, Gorehounds!

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