Interview: Kellan Lutz Talks 7 Guardians Of The Tomb

We recently had the chance to grab a few minutes with Kellan Lutz, star of the recently released action film 7 Guardians Of The Tomb, and he was kind enough to give us a look inside the film as well as let us know what he’s got cooking up next – read on and enjoy!
DC: Can you tell us about the film’s premise as well as a brief description of your character, Jack?
KL: It’s a mission movie about these two team members that get lost in this underground tomb system – they’re archaeologists that get lost trying to find this serum that gives everlasting life, and the main heroine loses her brother, so she forms a new team to help find him. I play Jack Ripley, and I rescue people for a living so that’s my new mission – to help her find her brother, and there’s a bit of family drama. Emotion clouds judgment – that’s one of my lines in the movie – so I’m in to help find these members of the team, and there’s a point where we all get stuck in the tomb and have to find our way out to continue on.
DC: You’ve been in some heavy-roles as far as action is concerned, and you’re certainly no stranger to getting dirty – as your career rolls on, when you step on a set do you intend to take on the bulk of the stunts, or are you more inclined now to let the stunt guys take the beatings?
KL: Oh hell no – that’s why I do this, and I feel like I’ll be like Tom Cruise until my dying day where I’m still jumping from building to building. I’ve never broken a bone, and I know he does some extreme stuff – I just love doing the stunts and all these action movies. As long as I can keep doing them I’m happy. I’ve had more stunt-doubles get mad at me – not really mad, but they say “come on dude, this is how we get paid!” (laughs)
DC: Back in 2013, you were the executive producer on a film called Syrup that you also acted in – now that you’ve conquered the EP role, any chance in the future that we’ll see you in the director’s chair?
KL: Oh yeah – I think it’s a great challenge for any actor to take on directing and producing. I really love producing films and putting them together, and there’s a couple of scripts that I’ve been writing – it takes a while for me to finish a script, and maybe later on this year I’ll finish the ones that I’ve started.
DC: Gimme that one role that if it ever came across your desk there’s no way you could turn it down.
KL: He-Man. I’ve always been a huge fan of Masters Of The Universe, and it’s something that we’re looking into for a late-2019 release. It’s always kind of been the original superhero for me, and if there’s a chance I hope Chris Hemsworth won’t do it because he’s already got Thor going on (laughs).
DC: Finally, after the release of 7 Guardians Of The Tomb is released, what will you be working on next?
KL: 2 movies – the first one is The Last Story Of David Allan, and that will be shooting in Puerto Rico in April, and it’s a fun assassin movie, and then there’s Arizona which will shoot in May – it’s a cool bank robbery movie, and I’ve always wanted to do one of those films, and now I get the chance to.