Take a Peek at the True Blood Season Finale With Two Preview Clips

Another summer ends and with it goes yet another season of “True Blood.” Word on the street is that this hasn’t been the best season of the popular HBO series, but maybe the finale, entitled “And When I Die”, will step up and deliver? Having just watched these clips, I’d say it doesn’t appear so, but perhaps I’m wrong.
Episode #48 (S4, Ep. 12): “And When I Die,” Sunday, September 11th
The souls of the dead rise up in Bon Temps. Sookie makes some important associations. Jesus and Lafayette’s connection is imperiled. Sam and Luna imagine a happy and perfect future. Sookie and Tara are confronted by Debbie.
The two clips are titled Alcide Makes His Pitch and Tommy is Laid to Rest, and you can dig ’em both below. Make sure to tune into the “True Blood” finale on Sunday, September 11. And someone please wake me up so I can watch the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” finale right after.
And since I’m writing about a show which I haven’t watched since the first season, allow me to take this opportunity to ask: Should I pick it back up at some point?
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