Bloodborne #1 Sells Out; Second Printing Coming This Month

If you’ve been unable to find a copy of Issue #1 of Titan’s Bloodborne comic at your local comic book store, it’s because the physical version has actually already sold out. And while it’s great to see the series selling so well, a lot of fans were probably left disappointed at not getting their hands on a copy. Which is why it’s good to hear that Titan will be reprinting #1 later this month with a stylish new black and white cover (pictured right). The reprint will be released on March 28th, the same day that Issue #2 hits stores.
The Bloodborne comic is based on the video game developed by FromSoftware and published by Sony interactive Entertainment, but it serves as a side story set in the same world as opposed to being a direct adaptation. The series was written by Aleš Kot, with art provided by Piotr Kowalski, who also created the atmospheric covers, which have been collected in the gallery below.
To learn more visit:
- Bloodborne on
- Bloodborne on ComiXology