Ash vs Evil Dead Confirmed For Fourth Season?

Update: STARZ has confirmed to Dread Central that “Ash vs Evil Dead” has not been renewed, although they did not state that the show was cancelled. As of now, it’s a wait-and-see situation.
An interesting tidbit slipped into a recent post on Rotten Tomatoes, who listed renewed and cancelled TV shows throughout 2018. In that list, STARZ’s “Ash vs Evil Dead” has been labelled as “Renewed” suggesting that the horror comedy series has been extended for a fourth season, which is obviously great news for pretty much everyone! That being said, we reached out to STARZ, who told us, “We cannot confirm. We have not announced anything in regards to a season 4 of this series.” So, let’s hold off on celebrating until official word comes in from the powers that be, shall we?
In the third season of “Ash vs Evil Dead”, Ash and his merry gang of Ghostbeaters are facing off against Ruby while Ash learns the joy of parenting a daughter, Brandy, he never knew he had. Everything is leading up to a battle with one large and pissed off Kandarian demon and the fate of the world, as usual, hangs in the balance.
The series stars Bruce Campbell, Dana DeLorenzo, Ray Santiago, Arielle Carver-O’Neill, and Lucy Lawless.
“Ash vs Evil Dead” airs every Sunday night at 9pm EST.