Kevin Bacon Reteams with Stir of Echoes Writer-Director David Koepp for New Blumhouse Horror-Thriller

Looks like the Stir of Echoes team is getting back together! Yes, Kevin Bacon and writer-director David Koepp will be reteaming for a new Blumhouse thriller called You Should Have Left.

Variety confirms that Bacon is producing and starring in the new horror-thriller based on the 2017 novel by Daniel Kehlmann, which Bacon brought to Koepp and the duo optioned.

The book’s plot follows “a screenwriter in a remote house in the Alps [who] is working on a sequel to his hit film. The writer begins to lose his bearings thanks to unexplained occurrences.”

How excited are you for the reteaming of Kevin Bacon and writer-director David Koepp? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on FacebookTwitter, and/or Instagram!

Blumhouse plans to start shooting later this year.


You Should Have Left Book Synopsis:
“It is fitting that I’m beginning a new notebook up here. New surroundings and new ideas, a new beginning. Fresh air.”

This passage is from the first entry of a journal kept by the narrator of Daniel Kehlmann’s spellbinding new novel. It is the record of the seven days that he, his wife, and his four-year-old daughter spend in a house they have rented in the mountains of Germany—a house that thwarts the expectations of the narrator’s recollection and seems to defy the very laws of physics. He is eager to finish a screenplay for a sequel to the movie that launched his career, but something he cannot explain is undermining his convictions and confidence, a process he is recording in this account of the uncanny events that unfold as he tries to understand what, exactly, is happening around him—and within him.

