#Brainwaves Episode 82: A Tribute to Jennifer Julian – LISTEN NOW!

Several days ago we lost someone who was integral to both the Dread Central family and the Brainwaves family, Mrs. Dark… Jennifer Julian. As a result, last week there was no show. There was just too much shock. Last night, however, we honored Jenn properly with an hour-long special cut of her antics while Mr. Dark was doing his paranormal news segment.
Jenn was hilarious. Her light was infectious and her tongue as sharp as Mr. Pointy from the “Buffy” days. It’s an honor to be able to preserve and celebrate her memory.
Thank you so very much for all that you gave, all the times that you helped, all the support, and most of all for that wonderful smile. Please watch over us all. We know you’re itchin’ to “staple our testicles to the ceiling” of Heaven, and not only do we probably deserve that, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Jenn… this one is for you.
Special thanks to listener Scary Little Mary and Amy Martin for doing the legwork and getting this tribute assembled and to the Alamo Drafthouse in Dallas for donating their space for her memorial. Our hearts ache for Justin. We love you, brother.
It’s radio without a safety net, kids. It’s Brainwaves: Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio.
Brainwaves: Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Stitcher.
Spooky, funny, touching, honest, offensive, and at times completely random, Brainwaves airs live every Wednesday evening beginning at 8:00 PM Pacific Time (11:00 midnight Eastern Time) and runs about 3 hours per episode.
Knetter and Creepy will be taking your calls LIVE and unscreened via Skype, so let your freak flags fly! Feel free to add BrainWavesTalk to your Skype account so you can reach us, or call in from a landline or cellphone – 858 480 7789. The duo also take questions via Twitter; you can reach us at @BrainwavesRadio or @UncleCreepy, @JoeKnetter, or @MrDarkDC using the hashtag #BrainWaves. You can also check us out on our Brainwaves Discord channel!
Have a ghost story or a paranormal story but can’t call in? Feel free to email it to me directly at [email protected] with “Brainwaves Story” in your subject line. You can now become a fan of the show via the official… BRAINWAVES FACEBOOK PAGE!
Brainwaves: Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio is hosted live (with shows to be archived as they progress) right here on Dread Central. You can tune in and listen via the FREE TuneIn Radio app or listen to TuneIn right through the website!
For more information and to listen live independent of TuneIn, visit the Deep Talk Radio Network website, “like” Deep Talk Radio on Facebook, and follow Deep Talk Radio on Twitter. And don’t forget to subscribe to Brainwaves on iTunes.
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