The Human Centipede Graphic Novel Headed Our Way Soon Says Tom Six

Oh great, this is just what the world needs. I mean have you ever caught yourself sitting around on a lazy Sunday and thinking “I’d like to read a graphic novel based on the motion picture The Human Centipede from auteur Tom Six.”

No, you’ve never thought that? Strange. Anyhow today we have news straight from the manic-mind of Tom Six himself via Twitter that there is a The Human Centipede graphic novel written up and awaiting a distribution deal.

You can check out the man’s tweet HERE and then make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think of a graphic novel based on Tom Six’s The Human Centipede in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!

The original film was written, directed, and co-produced by Tom Six and stars Dieter Laser, Ashley C. Williams, Ashlynn Yennie, and Akihiro Kitamura.


A deranged surgeon (Dieter Laser) plans to make his morbid fantasy come true by suturing three people together through their gastric systems.



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