American Remake of A Serbian Film in the Works with a Huge Twist

At first, director David Gordon Green and his writing collaborator Danny McBride seemed an unlikely duo to helm Blumhouse’s Halloween reboot. But now that the film has wrapped principal photography, all indications are the project will be savage, proving these guys have more range and depth than anyone initially gave them credit for.
As Halloween marches towards its October 19th release date, Green and McBride have already set their sights on their next collaboration. Fans who thought their move from comedy to horror was abrupt may be just as surprised.
The duo has purchased the remake rights for A Serbian Film, the international shocker that made writer/director Srdjan Spasojevic a pariah while setting a new bar for sadistic, envelope-pushing extremity.
McBride told The Hollywood Reviewer, “It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while now. I saw A Serbian Film at a festival in Sacramento a few years ago, and Srdjan was there for a Q&A afterward. Someone asked if he regretted making the film and he replied something like ‘I regret I didn’t make it more brutal.’ It just blew my mind!”
When asked what attracted him to the controversial project, he continued: “A Serbian Film is totally misunderstood. Yes, it’s a mental and visual assault to the senses, but there’s a reason behind it. And, despite the title, the themes explored aren’t specific to Serbia. That’s why David and I are talking about making it a shot-for shot remake and calling it An American Film. Of course, we’ll put our own spin on it.”
Green gave further details to the folks at Deadlite, essentially letting the cat out of the bag: “We’re doing it with puppets. Our legal team said certain scenes, you know what I’m talking about, are just too problematic for real actors. So we’ll be using ultra-realistic yet super creepy latex animatronics and giving everything a cartoonish sheen.”
As for who will voice the puppets in An American Film, Green revealed there’s only one actor confirmed at this point: “We’ve got Micael Cera as Milo.”
Green and McBride are currently shopping the project to major and independent studio alike with hopes to begin filming this fall. We’ll keep you posted as details emerge. Stay tuned!