Jason Clarke Lets Us Know What Terminator Genisys Sequel Was About

I don’t know about you but I was excited as hell about Terminator Genisys when I first saw the time-looping trailer. But then the movie got slapped with a PG-13 rating and my enthusiasm dampened. And then I saw the movie… And walked out. Oh, well.
But whatever happened to those planned sequels? Obviously, they were canceled, but what could have been? Enter 2015 John Connor, Jason Clarke.
“What I remember was that second one was going to be about John’s journey after he was taken by Skynet,” Clarke told Collider. “Like going down to what he became; half machine, half man. That’s where the second one was going to start, that’s all I knew.”
Not much to go on, but still, thanks for sharing, Jason! What do you think of the abandoned sequel idea for Terminator Genisys? Make sure to hit us up and let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
Terminator Genisys was directed by Alan Taylor from a script written by Laeta Kalogridis and Patrick Lussier (My Bloody Valentine 3D). It starred Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, and J. K. Simmons.
When John Connor (Jason Clarke), leader of the human resistance against Skynet, sends Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) back to 1984 to protect his mother, Sarah (Emilia Clarke), from a Terminator assassin, an unexpected turn of events creates an altered timeline. Instead of a scared waitress, Sarah is a skilled fighter and has a Terminator guardian (Arnold Schwarzenegger) by her side. Faced with unlikely allies and dangerous new enemies, Reese sets out on an unexpected new mission: reset the future.