80’s Creatures That Deserve Reboots

It was just yesterday that we passed along the fun news that Halloween director David Gordon Green wants to reboot Critters and/or Ghoulies.
And on top of that, we already told you earlier this year that Critters will be getting a reboot via a new TV series called Critters: A New Binge. The rebooted series will be directed by Jordan Rubin, who will write and executive produce alongside Jon and Al Kaplan and original Critters producers Rupert Harvey and Barry Opper.
The show will be hitting Verizon’s go90 in the near future and will follow “The critters return to Earth in search of one of their kin, who was left behind years ago during an earlier mission. They land in Burbank, Calif., where they wreak havoc on a group of high schoolers and their families.”
Production is said to begin in “early 2018.” And considering it’s late 2018, along with Green’s comments, our minds return to the upcoming Critters: A New Binge.
Not only are we excited about the show, but within the next year or so (hopefully) we will be seeing a rebooted version of some of our favorite creatures from the 80’s, including but are not limited to a supposed Gremlins remake/sequel, a new Puppet Master film, and a remake of The Blob via Simon West.
And all of this news surrounding reboots and sequels of some of our favorite creatures from the 80’s has us wondering, “Which Other 80’s Creatures Deserve a Reboot?”
Cast your vote below!
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Might as well start off with good old Killer Klowns from Outer Space. For our true followers out there, you’ll know that a killer klown recently showed up in the horror-comedy Hell’s Kitty, but I’m talking about a full reboot-sequel here. And truth be told I think this is a film that is already getting a TV/movie reboot – we just haven’t heard the announcement yet. I mean how could anyone pass on the chance to reboot this cult classic? Especially with clowns being all the rage recently with those scary-ass sightings and that one Stephen King movie that was big last year (the name escapes me at the moment). The Killer Klowns are primed for a reboot and don’t be surprised if we hear about it soon. At least I hope so.
C.H.U.D. already received its own tribute anthology novel aptly titled C.H.U.D. Lives! earlier this year. The novel details events that occurred before, during, and after the scenes from the original film with stories that will expand the world created by the film and add depth to the C.H.U.D. universe. But I’m not talking about books here. I’m talking about either big-budget movie reboots and/or legitimate TV shows that squeeze all the potential out of these underappreciated classics. And C.H.U.D. is a franchise that would make for one hell of a TV series. Just look at the fact that there is a tribute anthology novel and it’s clear the love for C.H.U.D. is still alive and kicking. So let’s get out TV show already, Hollywood.
This one is all about the poster, ladies and gentlemen. God, that fucking poster. I don’t know about you but this film’s ad campaign gave me nightmares for years, let alone an issue with potty-training. And this means that it is effective as hell and in desperate need of a reboot from the ground up. The poster can stay. So can the design of the main Ghoulie. Everything else, as they say, must go. And they don’t need to go to space – or even college for that matter. No, these rebooted Ghoulies just need to pop out of the toilet and bite people on the ass. That’s all. For 90 minutes straight. The basic point is, we need a version of Ghoulies that does nothing but deliver on the promise of this classic poster. “They’ll get you in the end.” Classic.
Like the above entry was all about the poster, this entry is all about the title. Or, you know, the name of the titular creatures. I mean are you seriously telling me that this property isn’t ready for a reboot TV series? Stoners would watch this every week based on the title alone. What’s even better is the little guys have a fun story behind their antics in that if they are chopped up (into quarters, let’s say) instead of dying, the Munchie will multiply into four new Munchies! The creatures also develop “a love of women, beer, attacking people, and junk food in the process” and that sounds like the most punk rock rip-off of Gremlins I’ve ever heard of. Let’s get this going tonight. I’ll write, you direct.
If you haven’t seen Joseph Mangine’s 1986 creature feature Neon Maniacs, I hate to say it but I think it’s best for you to just steer clear. The film has a winning premise regarding a group of monsters living under the Golden Gate Bridge, and some knock out creature designs and corresponding artwork, but the film itself is a mess. Like a true, unfinished mess. This is why the film is primed for a reboot. The title alone is beyond badass and with the right effects company in tow, the rebooted film and/or TV series could be a massive hit. Bonus points would be awarded if the reboot managed to get Andrew Divoff (Wishmaster) back in the saddle. Thankfully, I’m thinking that would be possible.
Yet another mini-monster movie that is nothing more than a rip-off of Joe Dante’s classic Gremlins. But this one, in particular, is special because of just how notoriously God-awful it is – even by comparison to other such mini-monster rip-offs like the above-mentioned Munchies and Ghoulies. But all trash-talk aside, Hobgoblins could be a “so bad it’s good” type of reboot the likes of which could delight viewers for weeks on end if made into a TV series. Hell, the movie itself is even so bad it was included in a classic episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. And if that doesn’t make you interested in checking out the movie ASAP, then at least the corresponding MST3K episode should make the top of your rainy day viewing list. It’s a blast.
These little guys are a set of yuletide creatures that stand as little more than a prime horror creature franchise that never was. Sure the original film is mostly a waste of time, but the general idea of little Elf creatures terrorizing families (and no doubt half-naked co-eds) during the Christmas holidays is something that cannot stand as merely a failed film from the 80’s. Elves deserves more. It NEEDS more. This is a holiday classic waiting to happen year after year and no one ever jumps on it. This is what we could be watching instead of Gremlins for the millionth time (not that I’m complaining). We all deserve a freshly rebooted Elves flick this Christmas.
Let it be known right off the bat that as strange as it may sound, this entry also stands as my pick for Pumpkinhead needing a reboot as well. But I chose Clive Barker’s Rawhead Rex over Pumpkinhead simply because Pumpkinhead has already had a few reboots over the years – including a recent comic book miniseries. Rawhead Rex, however, has only been given a terrible 80’s adaptation (sorry if you love it) and a killer comic book adaptation via Steve Niles and artist Les Edwards. But Barker’s tale of a roaring, rampaging monster from beyond Hell needs more love. And a budget. Given those two things, I see no reason why Rawhead Rex wouldn’t become a massive horror hit. If you’ve never read the short contained within Barker’s Books of Blood collection, make sure you do so.
Okay so the creatures found within Terence H. Winkless’ 1988 masterpiece of “Nope” The Nest aren’t exactly creatures from another world, but I never said they had to be, right? All smart-ass-ness aside, I agree that calling for a reboot of The Nest is a bit of a stretch here on this list. But all the same, now that we could see a killer cockroach film and the filmmakers wouldn’t have to, you know, make the damn film surrounded by real-life nightmare roaches, a new killer roach film has to be in the making. I don’t know about you and yours, but if my mom even caught wind of a new killer roach script circling town she’d give up on movies forever. And that’s impressive. Again, deliver on the poster. Plain and simple.
Like the killer roaches entry above, Scarecrows isn’t a film that I think specifically needs to be rebooted into a major Hollywood motion picture and/or a Netflix original series. But the general idea of Scarecrows creeping out of the cornfield after nightfall is fucking scary as ten types of Hell and the fact that we still don’t have a flagship Scarecrow(s) movie is beyond a shame. Time and time again, filmmakers keep trying to make a quality Scarecrow film, and time and time again, filmmakers keep failing their mission. But does that mean hungry, young filmmakers need to STOP trying? No, I don’t think so. There is a super classic Scarecrow film out there yet to be made, and who knows, maybe it will be yours. Only one way to find out…
And there you have it, those are our picks for 80’s creatures that deserve reboots. What 80’s creatures do YOU think deserve a reboot? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!