Sunshine Hits Hong Kong First

Studios that wonder why some films fail to make a profit should take a long hard look at how much effort was afforded to those bombs. Sunshine (review) is one such movie that received zero press, zero advertising and obviously few theatre goers. It has disappeared from many local cinemas and will most likely be gone all together in the next week. A truly sad ending to a decent sci-fi thriller.
There is some light at the end of the tunnel thanks to some good news found over at Twitch. Looks like Sunshine is going to hit store shelves in DVD form as soon as August 8th! Too bad you kind of have to be in Hong Kong to get it. It is time to go out and get a multi-region DVD player.
Here’s what will be included with this initial international release:
– DTS English audio track
– Mono Thai audio track
– Deleted scenes
– Alternate endings
– Commentary track
– Making-of featurette
– Behind-the-scenes video
– Short films(?)
– Syxx
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