CinemaCon 2018: How Scary Are The Nun, The Meg, and IT: Chapter 2?

Cinemacon was in full swing this past week and Exhibitor Relations was keeping us all up-to-date over on Twitter.
They snagged some great bits about some upcoming horror flicks including The Nun, IT: Chapter 2, and The Meg starring Jason Statham as a guy who (probably) loves to kick sharks in the back of the throat.
You can check out all of their tweets below, but to sum up, The Nun “looks scary as balls” and “should be a solid addition [to the Conjuring Universe]“; The Meg “may be the biggest, dumbest and most fun guilty pleasure of the summer“; and IT: Chapter 2 director Andres Muschietti warned the crowd to “Bring your adult diapers…to the theaters … the sequel will be darker and even scarier” than the original.
I don’t know about you, but all of this sounds fucking great to me so I say bring each and every one of these flicks on ASAP. How about you? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
The latest Conjuring Universe film, THE NUN, looks scary as balls. Should be a solid addition.
— Exhibitor Relations (@ERCboxoffice) April 25, 2018
WB’s THE MEG—may be the biggest, dumbest and most fun guilty pleasure of the summer. It jumps the shark and it knows it.
— Exhibitor Relations (@ERCboxoffice) April 25, 2018
“Bring your adult diapers…to the theaters,” warns IT: CHAPTER 2 director Andres Muschietti, as he teases the sequel will be darker and even scarier in a taped interview at CinemaCon.
— Exhibitor Relations (@ERCboxoffice) April 25, 2018