Umberto Lenzi’s Unofficial EVIL DEAD II Sequel GHOSTHOUSE Being Remade

Whilst he’s best known for cannibal movies such as Man from the Deep River, Eaten Alive!, and Cannibal Ferox, director Umberto Lenzi was also responsible for bringing us the 1988 classic Ghosthouse, which was released in Italy as an unofficial sequel to Evil Dead II. If you’ve never been immersed in this particular slice of Italian cinema, you can check out the trailer here.
An Indiegogo campaign has now been launched to finance a remake of Ghosthouse, which will be directed by Dustin Ferguson, who was responsible for such films as Night of the Clown, Amityville: Evil Never Dies, and Nemesis 5: The New Model. The only confirmed cast member thus far is Paul T. Taylor, who played Pinhead in Hellraiser: Judgment, although Joe Castro, who worked on the Wishmaster series, will create the film’s visual effects.
Ghosthouse is set to begin filming this August in LA, should the campaign reach its $50,000 goal. Film Export Group are currently in negotiations with Ferguson for the distribution rights, so we should be hearing more about this project soon.
Ghosthouse Official Synopsis
Based on the 1988 cult-classic by Director Umberto Lenzi (Cannibal Ferox, Spasmo), this 2018 remake follows a group of college kids who trace the origins of a mysterious television broadcast to a secluded old house in the woods. Ectoplasm pits, flying objects, ghostly apparitions and the Grim Reaper himself are just a few of the horrors that await them inside.