Blood Widow Website and Teaser Trailer Now Available

We don’t go nuts and fire up the Dread Central media machine for every trailer that comes our way. But (and here’s a hint to filmmakers) when we see one featuring a killer in a disturbing looking drama mask, slutty hot chicks, and a guy getting his face basically torn off, we tend to take notice. Blood Widow is an upcoming indie horror film that promises to go old school for us. And isn’t that how we like it?
The film was directed by Jeremiah Buckhalt and stars Danielle Lilley, Gabrielle Henry, Brandon Kyle Peters, Kelly Kilgore, Jose Miguel Vasquez, Christopher de Padua, Emily Cutting and Philip Marunowski. You can check out the new teaser trailer below and poke around the Blood Widow website for more info.
Blood Widow is an old school slasher film in the gore-soaked tradition of the original Friday the 13th and My Bloody Valentine coming at you from central Florida’s nether regions to deliver a slasher flick that you’ll be hard pressed to forget.
Laurie and Hugh are a successful young couple who have just closed on a weekend home away from the city. Unbeknownst to them, the neighboring property contains the crumbling remains of a boarding school that was shuttered in the wake of an unspeakable massacre. The sole survivor of that massacre still resides in the ruins of the school, hiding from the world and wanting only to be left alone. When Laurie and Hugh’s friends explore the property, they have no idea that they disturbed an emotionally broken killing machine: The Blood Widow.
Keep checking the continually updated Blood Widow website, the Blood Widow Facebook page, and @bloodwidowmovie on Twitter for all your needs. More info on the stars and the production team will be coming soon!

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