WOLF CREEK 3 and WOLF CREEK Season 2 Heading Our Way Soon!

I’ve loved all things Wolf Creek from the beginning. The first movie is one I watch surprisingly frequently and I dug the hell out of the sequel when I finally caught up with it last year. But all that aside, hot damn did I enjoy the six-episode TV series Stan put out a year or two ago. That was a killer six hours if I do say so myself!
And it’s with this in mind I’m dying to see the second season, which premiered in Australian back in December. And speaking of season 2, creator Greg McLean just spoke to our buddies at B-D about when we can expect to see it here in the States, saying season 2 “is coming out in the US via the POP network in October this year.”
Nice! And then he even went so far as to say that he plans to work on Wolf Creek 3 as soon as possible. “Wolf Creek 3 will happen,” he says. “It’s a matter of finding the right time to shoot the movie.”
Woo-Hoo! All of this ure is great fucking news for all of us Mick Taylor fans out there. Are you as excited as I am for more wolves and creeks? Make sure to hit us up and let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
Wolf Creek season 2 stars John Jarratt as Mick Taylor along with Tess Haubrich, Matt Day, Ben Oxenbould, Laura Wheelwright, Stephen Hunter, Jason Chong, Charlie Clausen, Christopher Kirby, Felicity Price, Josephine Langford, Elsa Cocquerel, Adam Fiorentino, Julian Pulvermacher, Elijah Williams, and Chris Haywood.
Season 2 hits the U.S. this October.
Mick Taylor sees an opportunity of a lifetime after a chance encounter with a coach full of tourists from around the globe. The unwitting travelers begin an outback adventure none of them could have imagined.