Bad Robot’s OVERLORD Not CLOVERFIELD 4, But Sounds Horror As F*ck

This past week, J.J. Abrams premiered some footage from his new horror movie Overlord at CinemaCon, and mother of God is this movie horror as hell.
In fact, Abrams clarified that the film is Bad Robot’s first R-rated flick and it’s “batshit.” Our buddies over at Joblo were there to catch all the craziness and reported back saying:
“The footage we saw featured Wyatt Russell, Bokeem Woodbine and a cast of relative unknowns in traditional WW2 paratrooper gear jumping in as planes blow up around them, before finally getting to the ground, linking up and heading out. We see them discover the heavily-guarded facility and infiltrate it, which is when everything gets a little crazy.”
They continue: “We see a bunch of bloody, zombie-like creatures, obviously, people that have been experimented on, vials of a red substance (which is injected into one of the soldiers and seems to give him super strength), and a bunch of shooting, explosions and yelling. It’s accompanied by a rock soundtrack and plays very much like a Grindhouse film, which is an eye-brow raising choice, but not necessarily in a bad way. Toward’s the end of the footage, we see a Soldier approaching a woman who is calling out and covered up with a sheet. The soldier pulls it back to reveal that she is just a head, connected to a spine and stripped of the rest of her body, yet still alive and talking.”
As cool as all of that footage sounds (and it sounds Grade-A badass) it turns out that the film isn’t a Cloverfield sequel as we have been lead to believe. Oh, well. That said, Abrams did confirm that a true Cloverfield sequel IS in the works, so we’ll let you know when we hear more that!
Are you excited for another Cloverfield film and/or Overlord? Make sure to let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
Overlord hits theaters October 26th.