NINJA SHARKBUSTERS IN PARIS is the Title That Says it All

The Cannes Film Festival is in full swing. That means many movie industry movers and shakers are wheeling and dealing to get funding for their feature films. Every year there’s always some b-filmmakers trying to sell their high concept schlock to potential investors. Some are destined to become reality. Some are destined to be nothing more than ridiculous title/artwork that makes you roll your eyes in disbelief.
That said, I write the following four words: Ninja Sharkbusters in Paris.
The only plot info available at the moment is this one sentence selling point: It takes a ninja to destroy a ninja shark!
Where to begin unpacking this lunacy being pre-sold at Cannes as we speak?
When you think sharks you generally don’t think Paris. Would this be the first killer shark movie set in the French city of lights?
There’s also the matter of ninjas busting sharks. I’m racking my brain to think if there’s ever been a ninja shark movie before and I’m drawing a blank.
Not to mention, based on the tagline, sure sounds like at least one of the sharks is also versed in the lethal mystical art of ninjitsu.
Amazingly, Ninja Sharkbusters in Paris is not a Troma production despite having a title that screams “Lloyd Kaufman Present…” That honor belongs to Marteau Films and French filmmaker Gautier Cazenave, who is currently finishing up work on a movie entitled Sherlock Holmes vs. Frankenstein, which sounds like the making of another article I’ll have to soon write.
Very few details are available at the moment for this planned French-made, English language, martial arts horror comedy. Heck, not even a guarantee it’ll even get made. If it doesn’t – oh, well; at least we’ll always have Paris. By that, I mean the deliriously goofy promo art for Ninja Sharkbusters in Paris.