Bill Moseley as Fred Krueger? Sign the Petition Today!

For a while there was fan-talk about Mr. Kevin Bacon taking over the role of Freddy Krueger from Mr. Robert Englund should New Line even get it into their head to attempt another reboot of Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street. While I’m more than game to see Bacon as the Springwood Slasher, today’s choice might be one of the best I’ve ever heard.
Yes, a fellow horror fan has taken it upon himself to start a petition over on to get Bill Moseley cast in the next reboot as Freddy – oops, sorry – as Fred Krueger.
The Petition reads:
Horror fans want a say in the remakes big studios are putting out, including who is cast in a remake of the treasured films we grew up on. This includes the rumored remake (attempt #2) of A Nightmare on Elm Street. We are a collective of social media users on Twitter that have weighed in on the casting of the new Fred Krueger, and we feel that only Bill Moseley can portray this character to our expectations. To Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema: if you’re viewers mean anything to you, may we suggest listening to our devoted community? For your consideration, we the people nominate Bill Moseley to be cast as Fred Krueger (not Freddy) in any future “Elm Street” franchise film.
Again, this is one hell of a choice to reboot Freddy’s image. In fact, the casting idea is SO good that it has me feeling as if a huge opportunity was lost by NOT casting Moseley in the first place. I don’t mean that. Englund IS Freddy. But all the same, Moseley is beyond a perfect choice to slip on the razor glove should the opportunity arise.
What do you think of Bill Moseley as Fred Krueger? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
Sign the petition HERE.