Fantastic Fest 2011: 100 Best Kills Recap!

Fantastic Fest
2011 marked the fourth consecutive year of “100 Best Kills” at Fantastic Fest – a celebration of horror’s most memorable and outrageous death scenes, no matter how obscure. This year Cinefamily, which has its own version of this sick celebration, joined in on the fun, adding a new technological breakthrough allowing the controller to move frame-by-frame, back-and-forth, and even record scratch each kill like some sort of sadistic DJ.
A montage set to “Stairway to Heaven” kicked off the midnight fun, featuring all of the classic kills from favorites like Scanners, The Thing, Zombie, The Omen, Chopping Mall, Maniac, and more. Instead of watching these scenes that have all been indelibly marked on our twisted psyches over the years, why not get them out of the way first so the more obscure kills can get their due, right?

There was a noticeable rift in the theater between horror fans last night: those that wanted to see some of the kills they grew up watching and cheer along with fans, and those that were intent on showing the most obscure piece of footage – preferably from a film only available on VHS – even if the randomness of the clip vastly outshined the death scene.
It felt somewhat elitist and marked a trend seen from time to time when fans become lost in B-movie limbo, tracking down films for the honor of claiming they’ve watched the unwatchable. Each clip at 100 Best Kills is submitted so ask yourself if you’re choosing a scene because no one has seen it or because you really love it passionately and think others will, too.
Last night John Houseman was struck by lightning and thrown through glass in Murder By Phone and a priest was killed with a possessed buzzsaw in Superstition. That’s about the level of obscurity I’d like to see in an event like this since the real fun is getting to scream, laugh, and shout at the screen with a theater full of fans that are used to watching these moments alone on television. That’s special …
Below you’ll find a few clips shown last night and lots of death!
What’s your favorite death scene? You can go crazy and obscure. I won’t get mad.
Cinefamily 100 Most Outrageous Kills Promo
Murder By Phone
Murder by Phone from Louis Perchikoff on Vimeo.
Ghost Ship
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