Happy Mother’s Day from HEREDITARY

Writer-director Ari Aster’s Hereditary starring Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne, and Ann Dowd will be hitting theaters with a fury this June. But before that, let’s take a moment to appreciate the film’s central mother – and all of our mothers while we’re at it.
Yes, in a brilliant piece of marketing, the folks behind The Scariest Movie Josh Has Ever Seen. have sent us an all-new “Mother’s Day” trailer for the film which you can peep below.
Remember, Mother’s Day is TODAY so make sure to call your moms and then hit us up and let us know what you think of this new horror movie in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
Hereditary is written and directed by Ari Aster and stars Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne, Ann Dowd, Milly Shapiro, and Alex Wolff with Kevin Scott Frakes, Lars Knudsen, and Buddy Patrick producing. The film hits theaters nationwide on June 8th.
When Ellen, the matriarch of the Graham family, passes away, her daughter’s family begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry. The more they discover, the more they find themselves trying to outrun the sinister fate they seem to have inherited. Making his feature debut, writer-director Ari Aster unleashes a nightmare vision of a domestic breakdown that exhibits the craft and precision of a nascent auteur, transforming a familial tragedy into something ominous and deeply disquieting, and pushing the horror movie into chilling new terrain with its shattering portrait of heritage.