James Cameron and Guillermo Del Toro On Why We Need Monsters

Two of the most fascinating genre filmmakers working today, James Cameron (Aliens, Terminator, The Abyss) and Guillermo Del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy, Pacific Rim) got the opportunity to sit down and chat for an upcoming episode of James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction, which airs Mondays at 10pm ET.

A six part docu-series, James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction sees the renowned writer/producer/director sit down with some of the biggest names in sci-fi/horror cinema, including George Lucas, Sigourney Weaver, Ridley Scott, and more. Together, they, “…debate the merits, meanings, and impacts of the films and novels that influenced them and discuss where the genre — and our species — might be going in the future.

As a bystander, watching a conversation like this is simply marvelous. These are two of the most imaginative minds in filmmaking and here’s a chance to see them talk as friends, opening up themselves without the need to offer advice or mentorship. This is about as raw as one can get.

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