FLIGHT 666 Trailer – Jet Lag is the Least of Their Problems

The Asylum seems to have a mandate that demands they release at least one film every year set primarily aboard an airliner. This year’s mid-air thriller looks to take us on a plane ride to hell – literally. But the scariest thing of all about Flight 666 is that it actually looks pretty solid.
Unlike past preposterous Asylum airline thrillers, such as the ludicrously self-explanatory Airplane vs. Volcano and the unintentional comedy masterpiece that was Air Collision (aka the movie where passengers plug a massive hole in jet liner with luggage bags) , Flight 666 appears to play out in a more serious fashion and looks more comparable to Blumhouse-style horror than Syfy-esque camp.
Passengers and crew on an international flight are attacked by unseen forces that threaten all aboard and on the ground below them. As they fight to stay alive, they start to realize that these are actually the spirits of murdered girls determined to stop their killer on board who will do anything to remain free.
That’s certainly a unique plot for a film about a haunted 747, a subgenre that typically does not yield good results. I don’t really get a hint of that storyline in the purposely vague trailer. Still, I’m sold on this one.
Joseph Michael Harris, Liz Fenning, Greg Furman, Jose Rosete, and Paul Logan star in this scare-plane chiller from director Rob Pallatina (Alien Convergence and writers Jacob Cooney and Brandon Stroud.
Flight 666 reaches its DVD/VOD destination on May 29th.