If It’s Thursday, It’s Time for a New Same Shit, Different Show

This week’s episode of Same Shit, Different Show involves a guest that DC readers/listeners are already more than familiar with. And while you may hear Buz and Andrew Kasch on a monthly basis via Dinner for Fiends, this is an entirely different kind of conversation – and every bit as entertaining.
From Buz’s site: “This week’s guest is one of my dearest friends, Andrew Kasch, whom I owe most of my career to (along with Jon Condit and Steve Barton). This is another super long episode so be prepared for a download. Kick back, relax, and enjoy two friends discussing all the different times we’ve almost died trying to make it in this damn town.”
It’s a casual and candid conversation ranging from lucky breaks to the juggernaut project known as Never Sleep Again, with lots of laughs and fun along the way.
Head on over to Buz’s Same Shit, Different Show website (that’s .biz, fyi) and dig it. These are really good thus far, and Buz is just getting started. We’re certainly looking forward to what upcoming weeks will bring, and whatever that may be, you know you’ll always be entertained.
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