Hellraiser Remake Dead?

Though I tried to put a positive spin on it when it was originally announced (“Barker to Pen Hellraiser Remake” – October 2006), the possibility that the remake of Hellraiser that was so full-speed ahead not too long ago might be dead in the water is nothing but a relief.
”I have waited for a long time to see somebody give me a clue,” Barker told Quint at AICN in a recent interview. ”You know, ‘Are we doing this or are we not doing this?’ ‘Is it happening or is it not happening?’ Nobody seems to know and I’m not going to hold my breath while I wait, because it’s frustrating.”
As most things film related for Barker (except apparently Midnight Meat Train), the whole concept is up in the air and no one can give him a straight answer. There should be some kind of Hollywood punishment for that; you don’t fuck with Clive Barker, damnit.
But it’s all good in the hood if the remake just ends up sinking into another “remember when…?” hole because I don’t want to see a new Pinhead or a new Cenobite concept. Let’s see Hollywood do something, anything, original for once.
That’s only the tip of proverbial iceberg for this interview, by the way, so be sure to check out the whole thing!
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