Dread Central and Scream Factory Present the SUMMER OF SCREAMS Tour: Kissing Candice Haunts The Stage

For our third reveal for the Summer of Screams tour, which is presented by us here at Dread Central as well as our pals over at Scream Factory, we’re stoked to announce that Long Island, New Yorkers Kissing Candice are joining the fray alongside The Browning for the whole tour with Powerman 5000 and Psychostick joining on select dates! Also, as you can see via the announcement image below, we’re going to be revealing the full touring schedule in a couple fo weeks, so get ready to see when this tour is coming to your area!
The masked metal band’s most recent release was the Safe Word EP from last November, which you can pick up via Amazon.
Follow Kissing Candice on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Make sure to follow Summer of Screams announcements via our tag and also check out their socials to stay up-to-date: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.