Dread Central and Scream Factory Present the SUMMER OF SCREAMS Tour: Voodoo Terror Tribe and Earth Caller to Play Select Dates

The Summer of Screams Tour, which will be hitting the road later this summer, has already revealed some pretty badass bands. Rocking this tour will be Powerman 5000, Psychostick, The Browning, and Kissing Candice, some of whom will be there from the first date to the very end of the journey while others will be bringing their signature brand of ass kicking on select dates. Today, we’ve got two more bands to add to the roster that fall under the latter category: Voodoo Terror Tribe, who will be playing August 17-30, and Earth Caller, who will join the tour August 31 and play through September 15.
You can follow Voodoo Terror Tribe on Facebook and Twitter and Earth Caller can be found on Facebook and Twitter too.
Make sure to follow Summer of Screams announcements via our tag and also check out their socials to stay up-to-date: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.