Watch Now: Official Comic Book Adaptation ELDRITCH CODE Spreads Lovecraftian Chills

After making waves across the festival circuit last year, the Lovecraft-inspired short film Eldritch Code has finally found its way onto Vimeo for the whole world to enjoy. The short had the honor of being officially selected at a vast number of genre specific festivals, including A Night of Horror, Buried Alive!, Monster Fest, Nevermore, Fantastik, and even the Dracula Film Festival (that’s apparently a thing).
Interestingly, Eldritch Code is actually an official adaptation of a short story called One of Those Days, which originally appeared in the comic book Cthulhu Tales #6, which was published by the Los Angeles-based BOOM! Studios. Director Ivan Radovic got his hands on a reprint and decided that he liked it so much he wanted to adapt it for the screen. He reached out to author Glen Cadigan, who in turn reached out to former editor Mark Waid. Although Waid was no longer with BOOM! at the time, he was able to convince them to allow Radovic to turn the story into a short film. This makes Eldritch Code an authorized comic book adaptation as opposed to a fan film, which in turn makes it one of the few official adaptations of a BOOM! Studios property alongside the Denzel Washington movie 2 Guns.
In the ten minute short, an IT specialist must prevent a deadly computer virus from spreading, unaware of the cosmic horrors he is about to release. Sounds like another day at the office.
The film stars Lisa Bearpark, Martin Hendrikse, and Mark Robins, and can be found embedded below.