Skeleton Warriors Cartoon Series Resurrected on DVD

I was a little too old for this sort of thing by the time “Skeleton Warriors” came along in 1993, but it is exactly the type of monstrous “Masters of the Universe” type of cartoon/toyline that I would have been all about as a kid. For the first time ever, all 13 episodes are headed to DVD – just in time for Christmas.
“Skeleton Warriors” was the Landmark Entertainment Group’s attempt to spawn a new hit multimedia-platform toyline. You had toys, a Marvel Comics mini-series, Sega Saturn and Playstation video games, and a 13-episode animated cartoon that aired on CBS. That it only lasted a year should tell you it never caught on.
The story takes place on the distant planet of Lumimaire. The conflict of the plot revolves around the need to control the Lightstar Crystal. This potent crystal powers the great city of Luminicity. Baron Dark, the show’s main villain, tried to steal the crystal in order to gain control over its incredible power. He only succeeded in obtaining half of the crystal, with the other half being saved by Prince Lightstar.
The half of the crystal that the Baron Dark managed to obtain turns him into a living skeleton. It also gives him the power to turn those with evil hearts into living skeletons for his army. Each episode involves Prince Lightstar, his siblings, and Baron Dark attempting to obtain the other half of their respective crystals in order to gain control over the planet.
Prince Lightstar forms part of the Legion of Light. It consists of Justin Lightstar a.k.a. Prince Lightstar, Joshua Lightstar a.k.a. Grimskull, and Jennifer Lightstar a.k.a. Talyn. They also have been endowed with great powers through their half of the Crystal. They team together with their uncle Ursak to battle the evil Baron Dark. While Baron Dark is transformed into an undead skeleton and given the ability to transform other living beings into his Skeleton Warriors, the Legion of Light gains other fantastic abilities. Lightstar gains the ability to channel energy through his hands, Talyn harnesses the power of flight, and Grimskull is transformed into an undead creature similar to the Baron but who also has the power to travel through shadows.
Music Video Distributors is set to release all 13 episodes of the short-lived “Skeleton Warriors” animated series on December 6th. Retail is $19.99 although Amazon’s pre-order price is only $13.99.
If that’s not enough childhood nostalgia for you, on the same day the same company will be releasing the entire “Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future” series. Maybe those toy lightguns will still work after all these years.
Now if only someone would release the complete “Inhumanoids” series on DVD. Pretty please?

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